
Saturday, February 26, 2022

Why all athletes should deadlift in 54321

Before we get started, like all lift's the deadlifts can be both dangerous and safe - more falls on the coach than the athlete.  If you can’t teach the form then find someone who can or don’t use this lift in your program.  Good exercises mixed with bad coaching is always bad. 

1: Activate the hips


Your athletes will almost definitely have either weak hips or lack the ability activate the hips during a movement.  With a movement that is slower than the clean or box jump and more controllable than squatting the Deadlift can be the ultimate Hip Activating exercise for your athletes (from a coaching perspective where you can stand in front of the athlete and have them pause in certain spots as you explain how to utilize individual body movements).

During this lift you will be able to pinpoint weak areas and sections of the body where balance and stability fail.  As a coach, as you learn more about the deadlift and how to pick it apart you can adapt and rebuild the athlete into a much stronger/faster/more explosive athlete.


2: Joint impact free movement for increased jumps and explosive work


While jump based routines and speed movements are good, most athletes are already completely drained in this area and could use a rest from the impact they cause.  I’ve worked with teams whose coaches have stated their top player has sore / weak knees and ankles therefore should not deadlift but instead do endless box jumps and sprints.  The problem is, the lift isn’t hurting the joints, it’s the actual sport the athlete participates in.  Athletes are training after school for 2-3hrs 5-6 days a week, depending on their sport this could be made up of 90% running and jumping.  The amount of pressure this place on the joints is dangerous and typically unnecessary.  Have your athletes hit the barbells 10-12 months a year for 2-4 days a week and you will watch the injury rates drastically drop and their performance skyrocket.  Too many athletes are repeating and mimicking their sport movements too much and neglecting the areas that need the most focus. 


I have yet to see an athlete hurt their joints on a deadlift, I have seen athletes come into the weight room with bags of ice taped all over their body with a note from a coach detailing all the lifts that could hurt their athletes.  THE ATHLETE IS AREADY HURT and the barbells haven’t even been loaded yet.

3: Increased bone mineral density and testosterone

This will add both short term and long term benefits to the athlete that could change the outcome of a game while also changing how they move during adulthood.  A highly successful way to reduce injuries is to keep the bones strong and growing.  Imagine how much breakdown is happening to the body during 5k runs or 3 hours of basketball practice running 6days a week.  How about football?  The amount of impact and damage erupting in the body during these sports could shock the athlete’s body to the point of no return.  Train them hard on the field, track, and court but give them the tools necessary to recover and rebuild.  During the off season your kids should be hitting the weights at least 3 times a week.  If your school doesn’t have a weight room or a lifting program, I can promise you that every town has a local gym that your team can go to (ideally look for a privately owned on for the best results/financial deals).  One email from a coach or booster parent and I guarantee you these local business owners will jump at the chance to take a full team on at a discounted rate. 

4: Very little equipment or budget is needed.  

Deadlifts are cheap, like insanely cheap.  Honestly, if you are on a budget, you can search Facebook market and probably find enough for 6-10 athletes at a time for just a few hundred bucks.  The average booster club fundraiser could supple a team with enough barbells and weights and the will last years.  Going back to finding a local club, you would be surprised how affordable hiring a coach for a whole team can be and many local strength and conditioning facilities will have equipment your school and your local big-name gym would never buy (Small gym owners buy better equipment / specialty gear – schools and big gyms don’t).

5: Big numbers on the Bar = Big numbers in the Weight Room. 


After the first few weeks your athletes will see their Bench and Clean numbers plateau a bit and they are probably still getting used to the Squat (and not going down low enough to even count it) but the Deadlift is the KING of building a highly competitive environment where the athletes will see massive jumps for months straight creating an addicting atmosphere.  It’s hard to get excited about benching 95lbs for 1 then going in next week and doing 65lbs for sets of 8 but with the deadlift your athletes might deadlift 225 for a 1RM then go in 2 weeks later and hit 275 for a solid 3 reps in a row.  Flash forward 3 months and they are over 300lbs for 5 and getting excited about MAXOUT WEEK.  No other lift has caused so many athletes to gather around 1 individual and cheer him/her on as they break into a new PR.


We have created such an intense environment around the deadlift that 300+ for the high school girls and 500+ for the boys have become a normal occurrence.  While all teenage boys love the bench and our girls tend to pick bench and squat over deadlifts as their all time favorite, the deadlift has become the one lift that shows all new lifters (Freshman) what is expected in our weight room.


Check out our 2 most suggested products for deadlfits – Chucks and Leather Straps:

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Christmas Abbott -Crossfitter, Entrepreneur, Aurthor

Today we spoke with one of the most influential athletes out there today, Christmas Abbott.  First off, buy her books, they’re amazing,  The advice and motivation she offers are some of the best around.  In addition check out her online programs at  One of the most impressive things about Christmas is that she seems to never stop working or even slows down.  Gym Owner, Crossfit Games Athlete, NASCAR Pit Crew, Big Brother, Author, Public Speaker, she seems to do it all and excel at everything due to her amazing work ethic.

We are very excited for this interview as Christmas is an athlete we have followed closely over the years and her books have been sitting on the shelves of our clubs since their release and referenced often.  Again, buy the books, the results are unmatched by any other program.

1. How did you get started in your field?
Answer: I started working out and training after coming home from Iraq and discoveringCrossFit”. Once I was home, some girls at the bar I was working at at the time asked me what I was doing to stay in shape…this spawned my grassroots” bootcamp. I decided to host a workout in the park for anyone who wanted to come and start building lean muscle. It started small but continued to grow and grow. I poured my whole heart into these ladies. They became dedicated and wanted more and more of my one-on-one coaching. So, I saved all my money raised from the bootcamp and one year later I opened CrossFit Invoke (my gym!). That same year was also my first year competing in the CrossFit Games.

2. What was the biggest struggle in your career? 
Answer: Pulling the trigger on actually doing it. I know that may seem trivial, but taking the leap of faith and believing in myself at the very beginning was the hardest part. I felt in over my head and I felt that failure was certain. I worked hard every day to ensure that it wasn’t going to happen, but it was a struggle nonetheless. 

3. What is your current goal? 
Answer: Right now i’m focusing on being as completely healthy as possible. 2017 was a rough year for me so staying the course and taking care of my body, spirit and mind, is my main priority. Fortunately,  I have a lot of major opportunities to focus on this year, building my current brands including: my workout programs (BBX),  my supplement line(BOURN Relentless), and soon launching CAN, my online nutrition education platform. You can sign up for my newsletter if you want the latest details! Check out 

4. What advice would you give a young athlete? 
Answer: Be technical, do the work, and don’t take your gift for granted. Recovery is equally as important as training - I wish someone would have told me this earlier! You won’t always be better than yesterday and that is okay. Small improvements every day add up to a lifetime of successes. 

5. Where do you rank nutrition in terms of success?
Answer: Nutrition is imperative to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. You can work your ass off in the gym and never reach your true potential if you don’t get your nutrition in check. The saying is REAL - You can’t out-train a shitty diet.”  


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Rehab in 5 4 3 2 1

 How to recover faster with our top 5 methods


The fastest way for any athlete to achieve their goals is to simply AVOID INJURY.  At a certain point in any athlete’s career things will tear, break, sprain, and be pulled apart but the more you do to prevent this while speeding up recovery the less time you will be sidelined and missing out.  Below are 5 key methods I use weekly to keep everything moving.


Ice Compression

Anytime I go into any form of over-the-top arm training (not curls but heavy holds, farmers, grip work) I tend to notice some forearm and elbow issues.  The tight FROZEN sleeve really does the trick.  Just keep it in the freezer then slide it on and watch TV.  Any type of recovery gear that I can wear while moving around is ideal.  Previously, I posted about my wireless heated back massager, the luxury of rehabbing without falling behind in work is crucial and just like the back brace this sleeve is perfect for anyone who doesn’t want to lose hours a week of icing.

Check it out here:


Ice Ball

I love this product simply because I can sit on the couch doing NOTHING while fixing whatever mess I did to myself over the week.  Being able to add pressure while cooling the muscles is really productive but my favorite feature is that there is no mess.  I don’t have ice melting over my clothes and couch and this thing stays cold for a very long time.


Check it out here:

Heat Pad

I recommend getting a BIG one.  You don’t know when your full back will be cramping up or if you will someday need to wrap this around your feel quad.  Finding one that is an even mix of HOT and LARGE will be your best bet. 


Check it out here:


The 2 I suggest are 1: Large rollers so you can bend your back over and around and 2: Rumble Rollers so you can dig into the exact spot causing you pain.  I’ve even gone as far as to put a 50lb kettlebell on your chest to really add some additional weight and hit the tight/sore spot perfectly. 

Check them out here:


Plantar Fasciitis Socks

These were a lifesaver for me back when I was working 7 days a week and was waking up at 5am with so much pain that I couldn’t get out of bed.  For months I kept a few rolls of tape in my nightstand before discovery these socks.  Each morning it was like standing on broken glass due to the pain of the heels.  After switching over to these socks I quickly found myself jumping out of bed like nothing was wrong.  Since then I have been able to control my schedule a little bit better but during the first 2-3yrs of owning the club I was in complete overdrive mode and body parts were rapidly falling apart.

Check it out here:


Friday, February 11, 2022

Get FASTER in 5 4 3 2 1

How to get FASTER by LIFTING



Train the Running Muscles without the 4x your bodyweight impact

How much can your joints really take?  Take a 180lb sprinter – times that by 4 – you got 720lbs landing in the knee with each step.  And that’s 1 knee at a time.  That’s 720lbs of force slamming hard into the knee.  That’s 720lbs slamming into the knee of a runner who hasn’t mastered form yet because they are 15 years old, never was taught to properly run until this year, and will probably grow 3 inches before next year causing their coordination to go to hell and jack their weight up to 200lbs aka 800lbs of force with even worse form due to 3” being added during a growth spurt.  I am not anti running, I am anti ONLY RUNNING.  I train powerlifts who compete in squat, bench, deadlift.  ONLY squat, bench, deadlift AND they only do each of those movements 1-2x a week then bring home State Records, State Championships, and multiple top 20 in the country rankings.  WHY?  We don’t neglect an inch of the body.  The second we notice their knee is instable the deadlift training slows and the knee building increases, few weeks later the kid has a new PR in deadlift which triggers a squat PR followed by a bench PR due to learning leg drive with their new monstrous knees.  I love the criticism “Coach O’Hara allows the athletes to MAXOUT too often” -  Yeah, NO.  Our athletes just MAXOUT often.  Why?  We don’t focus on the same damn thing 100% of the time.

(If you are gonna train - get the right sneakers - CHUCKS = #1 for LIFTS)



Extend your training time per week post maximum running time

How many hours a day can you honestly run?  Take your warm up, add in your real training, throw in the cooldown and then stretch for 40 minutes until the bus comes because your 3 hour practice just cannot be 100% utilized slowly ripping your bones, joints, and muscles apart.  Be honest with yourself, did you really work more than 90 minutes?  Think about how much more productive your practices will be if you did all your track training for 90minutes then spent 15 minutes walking over to the weight room and another 45 minutes hitting the weights.  Think of what the confidence that could give your team when the slower kid gets the chance to shine which only encourages the athlete to NOT QUIT and come back everyday just for that 45 minutes of achieving something and 4 weeks later they hit a track PR.  There is almost NO WAY that this WON’T HAPPEN. 



Reduce injuries and heal faster


Congratulations, you trashed your body performing the same movement day after day, week after week.  Ankles, knees, shins, hips, lower back, more and more nonsense injuries that could have all be avoided by 30-60 minutes of weights 2-3 times a week.  Were your ankles not strong enough to handle 12 weeks of your season?  How do you think you can fix this next year?  Sadly, the answer is usually RUN MORE and not GET STRONGER.  If you are weak the answer should be to not be weak.  Training is actually pretty simple.  Find the problem – fix the problem – look for the next problem and repeat.  Weights also increase Testosterone (in male and female athletes) allowing for FASTER recovery while also increasing bone density which reduces INJURY.  Too many coaches see barbells as a dangerous tool to bring into their training but take a minute and quiz your athletes on when they got hurt.  I’m sure you will have more non-lifting athletes than lifters.  Yeah you can pull your lower back squatting but last I check SNEEZING is still beating squats in causing back strains and I’ve yet to meet a deadlifter who developed shin splints standing over a barbell.




Learn proper body mechanics

Lifters who practice FORM naturally move better.  I am not saying they instantly move faster than the schools #1 sprinter, but they begin to move significantly better than before.  Why?  Because they are spending hours upon hours training the brain and nervous system to make connections.  Think a 500lb squatter doesn’t know how to use their legs, glutes, abs, and posterior chain properly?  If year 1 you spend 5 days a week working on speed and year 2 comes around and your body still is not moving like a successful athlete than maybe it’s time to train the body and not the sport.  Learn how to activate the Glutes on a power clean than perform Cleans 2x a week for a year and you might notice how they instantly squeeze anything you need to kick into high gear.  Too much is going on during a race to pay attention to anything but moving forward.  The weight room allows you to perform a 3-30 second movement and then think about it – go back into the movement and put some mental focus on how the body feels when you do it right. 



Mental Toughness

Training can be and should be tougher than the actual game, race, event, or match you are training for.  Why would you want to take it easy leading up to something difficult?  There’s a reason why no movie montage features the athlete sitting on the couch watching TV or just hanging out with their friends.  You will learn more repeatedly pushing yourself through the toughest workouts imaginable than you will at any competition.  Have you ever been 90% knocked out during a workout but than get a boost of energy and confidence to finish that final set?  This moment successfully trained your brain to keep going and lock in motivation.  You now know just how far you can push yourself.  At the same time, have you ever been near the end of the race and just felt like you were 100% DONE?  Did anything trigger in your head to make you push yourself harder?  Did you find that sick and disturbing level of joy out of causing pain to your body and mental state just to pick up the pace and move faster?  If the answer is no than you are mentally WEAK.  Next time you hit the weights add 5lbs to each side, challenge your training partner to 1 more set or another 15 minutes of fast paced hard hitting movements. 

Lift It Forward Program

Welcome to the LIFT IT FORWARD Program.  A LIVE online workout where you get to join us in helping others.  Starting March 2022 (well, Monday February 28th) we will be meeting every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6:30am for a hard-hitting workout that can be done anywhere you have access to the internet (Currently running via Zoom).  In addition, you will also get multiple workouts emailed to you weekly that you can do anytime on your own.  

How it works:

50% of each membership will go to further expanding and running this program and the other 50% of every membership will be going to one of the following causes:

(Can't make a workout?  Email us and we will send you the routine for the day) 

Upon signing up you will receive all of the log in info for months zoom workouts.

At $50 a month we can quickly raise enough money to make an impact each month.


ONE: Colon Cancer Research

This is the leading program out of the 3 and eventually all members will fall into this category.  Any member who signs up under this program will have 50% of their monthly payments sent directly to funding Colon Cancer Research.  For those who sign up for options #2 and #3(listed below), after 3 months your memberships will roll over into this program.

TWO: Big Life Event

This is more of an Affiliate program allowing those who are experiencing a major life event or are saving up for one.  Whether it be buying a house, getting married, just became a parent, saving for college, or anything that is life changing, you can join us for one full year and earn money from each referral.  

The way this works is let's say in March you bring in 10 members, you will get 50% of those 10 for their first 3 months ($50 a month = $25 per member or $250 a month for three months).  Now let's say you bring in another 10 in April, your payments will be:

March: $250 (10)

April: $500 (20)

May: $500 (20)

June: $250 (10)

By adding more members each month, you can start to really snowball this program and reach your goals very fast.

After the 3rd month your referrals will join our fight against Cancer program, but you will have one full year to continue to work with us.  After 12 months we can touch base and decide of year 2 is right for us and potentially continue our partnership.

THREE: Team/Club Boosters Program

All the same rules apply from #2 - Each member you bring in will earn you 50% of their membership for three months before they move over to the fight against cancer.  This is a perfect opportunity for Coaches and Parents to teach their athletes the importance of not only working hard for the team but also doing good for others.  Imagine what a team of 20-50 members could do in just one month.  If each member of a 20 person team refers 5 people that would be $2,500 a month for 3 months.  Just think about how many referrals your team could generate over the course of one year.  

(Click the image above to go to our site for more info)

​For our "Big Life Event" and our "Booster Teams" this post will eventually have your info and personalized methods for your members to sign up making sure you get the credit.

**For Anyone who signs up and pays before February 28th - You will be charged monthly based on the day you officially signup/pay but your membership will begin the First of the Month.  For those who begin February 28th or after this will not be a problem.  Signing up early will allow you to start receiving the weekly emails and get ready for our first month so don't feel obligated to wait until the first week.

Please note:  While this program is designed to help all 3 areas featured our main focus will be raising money for colon cancer research.  This is why after the first 3 months of the other 2 programs we roll the members into the fight against cancer.  Over the next 12 months if your primary goal is to constantly reach out to people and encourage them to sign up you will very quickly reach all of your goals.

Buy our Fitness Book "The Program" and 50% of all proceeds will go towards Colon Cancer Research

(This is a "BLANK" log book.  Each page features a workout template for you to write down your workouts and keep track of your progress.  NO actual routines have been printed in this book)

Click the Paypal link to sign up for the training

Contact us today


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Five At Home Workout Essentials

 Top 5 At Home Workout Essentials


So you want to workout from home?  Whether it’s for convenience, schedule, hatred of crowds, money, or just want the ability to pick up a weight while your kids play now is the best time to start working out in your basement, garage, living room, ect..  




This can become one of the bigger expenses, but you will use these EVERYDAY!  The good thing about Dumbbells is that you can slowly buy them overtime as you get stronger and more fit.  For a home gym, I suggest buying sets of them, usually ranging from 5-50lbs and then 55-90 or so at a time but this will be a big purchase and might be out of your budget right now.  If buying a few pairs at a time is a better fit for you the best two options are: ONE: find a free shipping deal and TWO: Go to a physical store and buy them.  Shipping can destroy you on weights.  When I made my two big orders for the new building I waited until I could get free freight shipping and ordered thousands of pounds at once (remember, this is also a commercial building not just a home gym – DON’T BUY THOUSANDS OF POUNDS JUST YET!)



Perfect for anyone looking to lose weight while adding in some fast moving strength exercises.  At our club we range from 5lbs-203lbs (highly doubtful you will ever need more than 35-50lbs) and use this just as much, if not more, than the dumbbells for most of our weight loss focused clients.  My two favorite exercises with Kettlebells are High Pulls and Swings since they are preformed fast enough to get the heart going while working almost every muscle in the body.  Another bonus is they typically have a wider grip than dumbbells allowing for some extra grip strength building to kick in.



A Program

Most people can’t drive to a gym and stay focused, imagine how hard it will be when your couch is in the next room.  You need to find a program and stick to it.  Between paid for programs and free programs it has never been easier to get your hands on one.  We actually offer 2 at home programs – 1 that is 100% FREE (email sign-ups at  and the other is only $50 a month for Live Video workouts where 50% of your payments go towards fighting colon cancer.  Whether you decide to go with us or another one, just make sure to stick with it 100%.

Click the Image below to buy our workout log book

Medicine Ball

If you are doing your workouts in a Basement or Garage I would suggest a Slam Ball so you can pound it into the ground but most likely you will be doing this in your living room and probably shouldn’t start breaking anything.  You will probably use a Medball mostly for Ab work but if you get creative this one very affordable piece of equipment can take over a full hour workout at home.


Ab Mat

They’re too cheap not to get.  Whether it is an easy to roll up mat (yoga mat) or a very think foldable mat, this is not something you should skip out on.  You can definitely do all your abs on your carpet or hardwood floors but once you start getting into high rep routines or any lower ab movements that will cause the tailbone to forcefully pin itself into the floor causing unnecessary pain you are either going to rush out and buy one or just get in the habit of neglecting Abs.  Save yourself the trouble and just buy one NOW!


There you go, 5 at home workout tools to keep you going.  For info regarding our 3day a week LIVE online training just click the image below.

Top 5 Weight Room Playlist Week 2


This week's Top 5 Weight Room Playlist Albums


Ozzy "Blizzard of Ozz"



Aerosmith “Get A Grip”



Metallica “Black”



Black Label Society “Sonic Brew”



Bon Jovi “Slippery When Wet”

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Week Loss week 10-13 Program


Week 10

 Day 1

1: Warm Up

Giant Set

Push Ups

Jumping Jacks


Jumping Jacks

Sit Ups

Jumping Jacks

10-20-30-20-10 (TIME THIS)


2: Superset

A: Dumbbell Clean and Press Right Arm

B: Squat Jumps

C: Dumbbell Clean and Press Left Arm

D: Squat Jumps



3: Superset

A: Dumbbell Forward Raises

B: Dumbbell Lateral Raises

C: Dumbbell Lunges



4: Superset

A: Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlifts

B: Run in place FAST for 30 seconds

C: Dumbbell Reverse Fly

D: Run in Place FAST 45 Seconds



5: Squat Holds

Squat to 1” below parallel and hold for 10 seconds



6: ABS

20 of each for 6 sets

A: Leg Raises

B: Flutter Kicks

C: Scissor Kicks

D: Crunches


Day 2


1: Warm Up

Same as Day 1 but increase all sets by 5 Reps


2: Superset

A: Dumbbell Rows

B: Close Grip Push Ups

C: Mountain Climbers



3: Superset

A: Dumbbell or Kettlebell High Pulls

B: Dumbbell Bench Press (on floor if you don’t have a bench)

C: 30 seconds of High Knees



4: Superset

A: Burpees

B: Speed Squats

C: Russian Twist

D: Scissor Kicks

E: Legs Up Toe Reaches



Day 3


1: Warm Up Same as Day 1 but beat your time


2: Superset

A: Bicep Curls

B: Tricep extension

C: Bicep Curls

D: Max rep pushups



3: Superset

A: Hammer Curls SLOW

B: Tricep Kick Backs

C: Hammer Curls FAST

D: Max rep SLOW Push Ups



4: Superset

A: Reverse Curls

B: Double Tap Close Grip Curls (Extra pump at the top)

C: Hold the lowest position of a push up for max time



5: ABS

45 Crunches

35 Russian Twist

25 Toe Reaches

15 Leg raises



Week 11

Day 1

1: Warm Up

A: Jumping Jacks

B: Push Ups

C: Sit Ups


2: Squat Jumps



3: Superset

A: 30 second High Knees

B: Lunges x 10 per leg

X5 sets


4: Superset

A: Mountain Climbers x 20 per leg

B: Dumbbell Cleans x 15 per arm

X5 sets


5: Superset

A: Forward Raise

B: Lateral Raise

C: Shoulder Press

D: Calf Raises



6: Abs

Sit Ups


Leg Raises



Day 2


1: Warm Up

A: Jumping Jacks

B: Push Ups

C: Sit Ups



2: Superset

A: Push Ups

B: Dumbbell Rows

C: Upright Rows



3: Superset

A: Dumbbell Bench Press

B: Dumbbell Flys

C: Dumbbell or Kettlebell swings



4: 1 Minute on 1 Minute off Mountain Climbers


5: Abs

A: 30 seconds Flutter Kicks

B: 30 seconds Russian Twist

C: 30 seconds Toe Reaches

X 6



Day 3


1: Warm Up

A: Sit Up

B: Jumping Jacks

C: Mountain Climbers

D: Russian Twist



2: Superset

A: Push Ups

Max reps in 1 Minute

B: Sit Ups

Max Reps in 90 Seconds



3: Superset

A: High Knees for 1 Minute

B: Leg Raises for 1 Minute



4: Superset

A: Flutter Kicks for 1 Minute

B: Bicycles for 1 Minute



5: Burpees

30 seconds on 30 seconds off



6: 6” leg holds

30 seconds on 30 seconds off



Week 12

Warm up each day

45 seconds on

15 seconds off

Jumping Jacks x 8 rounds


Day 1

Warm up then


1: Massive Set

100 Squats

20 push ups

80 squats

20 push ups

60 squats

20 push ups

40 squats

20 push ups

20 squats

20 push ups


2: Superset

A: Dumbbell Rows

B: Dumbbell Bench

C: Dumbbell Lunges



3: Superset

A: Burpees

B: Dumbbell or Kettlebell Swing

C: Dumbbell chest fly

D: Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift



4: ABS

100 Sit Ups

20 Leg Raises

50 Sit Ups

20 Leg Raises

20 Sit ups

20 Leg Raises


Day 2

Warm Up then


1: Massive Set

A: Dumbbell Curls

B: Dumbbell Shoulder Press

C: Dumbbell Upright Rows

D: Close Grip Push Ups

E: Hammer Curls



2: Superset

A: Forward Raise

B: Lateral Raise

C: Close grip curls



3: Superset

A: Tricep Kickbacks

B: Crossover Curls

C: Tricep overhead extension



4: Abs

45 seconds on 15 seconds off of

Sit ups x 5 rounds

Leg raises x 5 rounds

Russian twist x 5 rounds


Day 3:

Warm up then


1: 10 Burpees every minute for 10 minutes


2: 20 Mountain Climbers every minute for 8 minutes


3: 30 Jumping Jacks every minute for 6 minutes


4: Max sit ups per minute – 20 second rest x5


5: Max Leg Raises per minute – 20 second rest x5

Week 13

Week13 Warm up

30 sit ups

30 jumping jacks

30 squats



Day 1:

Warm up then


A: Wide stance squat

B: Push Up

C: Leg Raises

D: Mountain Climbers

E: Russian Twist

15 speed reps of each for 20 minutes


Day 2:

Warm up then


A: Close stance squats

B: Close grip push ups

C: Bicycles

D: Flutter Kicks

E: V Ups

15 speed reps of each for 20 minutes


Day 3:

Warm up then


1: Day 1 for 20 minutes

2: Day 2 for 10 minutes