
Sunday, June 19, 2022

Summer Training Week 1

Alright, SUMMER is here and our Summer Training Series will focus on Weight Loss, Conditioning, and Strength Gains. 

The concept of this is to first pick which area you want to focus on and complete those workouts each week THEN grab 1-2 routines from another program and add those in. 

This style of training will deliver fast results and prevent your body from hitting a plateau while also avoiding injuries that can be caused by only training one style. To break it down, Strength Athletes need Conditioning to increase strength and be more powerful, Condition based athletes need a lot of Strength to be able to power through their workouts/sports and really cut back on injury and finally Weight Loss Clients need more than just high rep sets and endless cardio. You have a full summer to completely turn your fitness levels around. Workouts will get harder and harder each week so make sure you aren’t skipping any or it’ll be harder to catch up. Conditioning: Week 1 This Week we have 2 running based routines mixed with bodyweight exercises then 1 weight lifting day. Again, feel free to grab a weight loss or strength gain workout to add to your program. Day 1 and 2 just follow the videos 


DAY 2 

Day 3 1: Barbell or Machine Squats 4x15 2: Dumbbell 1 arm overhead Lunges 3x10 3: Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift 3x12 4: Dumbbell Shoulder Strict Press 3x15 5: Dumbbell Forward Raises 3x12 6: Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3x12 7: 15 Straight Minutes of Weighted Abs 

Weight Loss: Week 1 Day 1 and 2 follow the videos 




Day 3 
1: 20 burpees – 30 squats – 40 jumping jacks x3 
2: Dumbbell or kettlebell High Pulls – 3x15 
3: Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift 3x15 
4: Dumbbell Shoulder Strict Press 3x12 
5: Dumbbell Forward Raises 3x15 
6: Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3x15 
7: 10 Straight Minutes of Weighted Abs 

Strength Gain: 
Week 1 
Day 1 
1: Deadlift 5x3 
2: Heavy Rows 10-8-6-3-3-3 
3: High Pulls 5x3 
4: DB Push Press 3x10 
5: Superset 3x15 A: Forward Raise B: Lateral Raise 
6: Superset 3x10 A: Shrug B: Reverse Fly 
7: 5 Rounds of HEAVY farmers holds – 30 seconds on 30 seconds off 

Day 2 
1: Squat 5x3 
2: Front Squat 10-8-6-3-3-3- 
3: Bench 5x3 
4: Incline Bench 10-8-6-3-3-3- 
5: Superset 3x15 A: DB Lunge B: DB Fly 
6: Superset 3x10 A: Push-up B: DB SLDL 
7: 5 Rounds of Light DB punches (Medium Pace) 30 seconds on 30 off 

Day 3 1: Sumo Deadlift 5x3 
2: DB Speed Rows 3x20 
3: Hang Pull 5x3 
4: Reverse Fly 3x20 
5: Max Rep Pull Ups – 5 sets 
6: Strip Set Farmers Hold – 3 different weights per set – 3 sets 
7: 100 weighted sit-ups 
8: 100 Push-Ups 9: 200 DB Calf Raises

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