
Friday, July 1, 2022

Stop Running

Athletes and Coaches: STOP MAKING RUNNING 100% OF YOUR TRAINING! A few years ago I was running at Camp at a local University and met a Distance Runner from California who signed up for the Fitness program to get better at running. Typically, this would make a lot of sense and be very beneficial except she was just getting done 3 straight seasons of Running (Cross Country, Winter Track, Spring Track) and was so torn up that almost every lift was out of the question. To make things worse, she came with a list of routines (all running) her coach gave her with the instructions that this is completely mandatory and she must complete X amount of miles a week. The kid couldnt squat, lunge, jump, or walk without pain but her coach expected her to run?

This common but insane style of training needs to end. Very few sports get away with holding onto an athlete for 10-12 months like Track does. There is zero rest time for most athletes and exhuasted body parts get destroyed while neglected areas stay neglected creating a sore, injured, SLOW, mentally destroyed, and under balanced athlete. Results: They either quit, learn to hate the sport but continue due to commitment or friends, NEVER run or exercise post High School (causing healthy adulthood habits) try drastic measures to get better (unsafe weight loss methods) and 9 out of 10 times the athlete see zero results or such little improvement that they begin to feel like failures.

Solution? Pick up a barbell, you stupid dumbbass kid! Athletes who are all around fit perform better in every aspect of sports. I'm not saying a 5k runner should train like a defensive linemen but yeah, I am saying they should do the exact same exercises just differently. Train the big movements then add in some sports specific routines or routines designed for the individual. Deadlifts, squats, cleans, bench, and other compound lifts should be used across all sports in order to develop every inch of the body. Runners need CORE - guess what builds a better core than crunches? Deadlifts, squats, front squats, cleans, farmers, ect... Very few other sports operate like this. Football doesn't tell their linemen to only hit eachother for 3hrs a practice, basketball doesn't just shoot, baseball doesnt just swing a bat, but for some crazy reason, Runners typically just Run and then do some "Recovery" program that a coach either found in a magazine or they use a program that helps them with their personal injury even though the 14yr old running 6 days a week probably doesn't have the same injuries as the 40-60yr old coach. Honestly, sometimes the best recovery is actually taking a step back from the sport and focusing on some impact free training. I know a lot of coaches think I'm a bit crazy and push the kids too hard too often in the weight room but when a kid tells me their shoulder hasn't been feeling right after 6 weeks of heavy poundage in the weight room mixed with their sport I never tell them to bench more, I tell them to take a week of benching and use this time to fix any weak areas that will make their bench or shotput or blocking better. Injuries can be amazing opportunities to grow and get better.

I wanna say it was 2018 when a freshmen from a private school in our area signed up to get ready for Cross Country. Her mom and coach insisted she only run and do bodyweight exercises all summer long, 2x a week with me and then a few times by herself. This 14 year old girl couldn't run a straight line. She was so unathletic and uncoordinated that expecting her to compete in cross country was highly questionable. It took 1 day on the track to figure out that Running wasn't going to help. We shifted gears and set the whole summer around training 2x a week in my air conditioned club where she worked on balance, body movements, mechanics, and basic weight training. Result: She crushed every single one of her Middle School times and never came in last place again. Not coming in last place might not be a massive victory for some but it was the only goal she had and she achieved it. Due to covid we lost touch during her final 2 years of HS but her Freshman and Sophmore year was a massive success in her eyes. Had I just made her run (wonky legs and arms flapping) she would have lasted maybe 1 season before quitting or getting injured. While some of her achievements could be connected to her growing into her body as she aged I would put money on it that the weight room time did the most for her. The more you push and pull a barbell around the more your body will make nerve connections and learn exactly how the human body is supposed to move.



And check out some Farmers Walk Handles if you're looking to add a nice BOOST to your training

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