
Sunday, July 10, 2022

Week 4 of our Summer Training

WEEK 4 Week four has begun!  
(Please note: we ran into some issues that messed up how the blog was displayed.  I think I fixed it but if you see errors or anything doesn't make sense just let me know) 

After this week, some of you will be officially through one full month.  For those of you who just started, you can search through our blog and look back on the previous weeks or just kick things off with week 4.  
Ideally, I would suggest starting with week 1 unless you are joining some friends who have been doing this since the beginning.  After four weeks you should be seeing a change in how your body moves and feels and starting to feel more confident about reaching your goals.  If you have any questions, feel free to message me anytime.

UPDATE: Lower Merion Weight Room is set to open one full week earlier this year. Starting Monday August First I will be back at Lower Merion five days a week while running both clubs and taking care of the farm so if I am slower than usual to respond please understand it’s only because I don’t have access to the internet 20+ hours a week while I am at the school. Additional 

Update #2: We have been working on the outdoor area at the Farm Gym and it’s coming together nicely.  Currently the side garden is doing nicely and features Banana Plants which should grow some fruit and the orchard is doing well but probably won’t see much until next year.  We are also in the early stages of setting up a fishpond that will be up and running once I finish digging it out.  Hoping to have the pond wrapped up by the Fall.  The goal is to have an area for our athletes and their parents to relax before/post workout and be able to gather fresh fruit, eggs, and vegetables each week.  Each year as the plants grow (and we get more hens) we will be able to provide more healthy food for our clients. 

This Weeks Favor: Thís week I am asking for just 2very simple favors.  The first, if you could check out our daughter's online bookstore at that would be amazing.  Together, we have been working on books as she learns how to build and run a business.  While she is only five years old some of her ideas have really taken off and since starting this business last October, she has sold a decent amount of books already. All books can be purchased on Barnes and Nobles website but if you click the Bettie Books link you’ll be able to find the full collection. 

Second favor, each blog post will be including a few Amazon products. Please take a second and just click the link and check them it.  A quick glance at these products will do a lot for us and help us build this free program faster. 
Click the link below to see our favorite outdoor chairs:

Fitness tip of the week:
Take 1 day a week away from training and find one outdoor activity to do. Hiking, biking, kayak, whatever. Just get outside and do something you normally don’t do.

Conditioning Day 1
Complete video 1

1: Superset
A: Dumbbell Squat 
B: Dumbbell Lunge
C: Push Up
D: Leg Raise4x20 

2: Superset
A: Dumbbell SLDL
B: Box Jump
C: Dumbbell Incline Bench
D: Dumbbell Incline Fly

3: Superset
A: Russian Twist
B: Shoulder Taps
C: Scissor Kicks
D: Mountain Climbers

Day 2
Pick Any Previous Video then
1: Superset
A: Pull UP x Max
B: Dumbbell Clean and Press x 10
C: Dumbbell Rows x 15
D: Sit Up x 30

 2: Superset
A: Forward Raise
B: Lateral Raise
C: Reverse Fly
D: Dumbbell or Kettlebell Swings

3: Superset
A: Lat Pulldown
B: Seated Row
C: Dumbbell Arnold Press

4: Superset
A: Crunch
B: Bicycle
C: Toe Reach
D: V Up

Day 3
Go back throughout the previous weeks and pick 1 routine 

Weight Loss
You will be doing the same 3 days as conditioning.  It will be pretty rough but it will help keep your body guessing which can help push a quick weight drop.

Day 1
1: squat

2: Front box squat 

3: Bench 5x2

4: Close grip incline 4x8

5: superset 
A: Db lunge x10
B: db bench x15
C: push up x20

6: superset 
A: bench step ups x10
B: db fly x15
C: close grip push-up x20

7: 10 min abs 

 Day 2

1: Deadlift 

2: Rows 

3: High Pull 

4: upright rows 

5: Superset 
A: db row x10
B: db push press x 10
C: pull-ups x max

6: Superset 
A: db reverse fly x10
B: kettlebell swings  x15
C: pull-ups close x max

D: pull-ups wide 
x max x4

7: 10 min abs 

Day 3
1:Goblet squat 

2: Sanddune SLDL 

3: db lunge

4: ladder 

5: bench 

6: incline bench 

7: push-up

8: ladder x800Ft

9: row x1000m

10: 10 min abs

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